WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 332 – The WordPress 5.0 Release Cycle Begins
In this episode, John James Jacoby and I discuss the headlines making the rounds in the WordPress community. This includes the start of the WordPress 5.0 release cycle, the 5th annual Hacktoberfest, and theme developers marketing their themes as Gutenberg-compatible. Near the end of the show, I describe how much of the press surrounding WordPress security issues is poorly written and John talks about the benefits of being in the same physical space as your co-workers at least once or twice a year.
Stories Discussed:
WordPress Theme Developers Begin Marketing Themes as Gutenberg Compatible
First Wave of WordCamp Europe 2019 Tickets Sells Out in 3 Hours
5th Annual Hacktoberfest Kicks Off Today, Updated Rules Require 5 Pull Requests to Earn a T-shirt
Matt Mullenweg Announces WordPress 5.0 Release Plan, Estimates Release Candidate to Ship in November
GoDaddy Hires Mike Schroder to Contribute to WordPress Core Full-Time
WPWeekly Meta:
Next Episode: Wednesday, October 10th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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Listen To Episode #332:
In this episode, John James Jacoby and I discuss the headlines making the rounds in the WordPress community. This includes the start of the WordPress 5.0 release cycle, the 5th annual Hacktoberfest, and theme developers marketing their themes as Gutenberg-compatible. Near the end of the show, I describe how much of the press surrounding WordPress security issues is poorly written and John talks about the benefits of being in the same physical space as your co-workers at least once or twice a year. Stories Discussed: WordPress Theme Developers Begin Marketing Themes as Gutenberg Compatible First Wave of WordCamp Europe 2019…
Source: WordPress