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WP Support Services have designed our Web Support Packages with your business in mind, Offering you the Highest Level of Support Service and the Best WordPress Hosting we can provide.

We give your Business the same advantages of the Support and Web Hosting Operated by Large companies like Kellogg, Gecko and Virgin Media.


We are WordPress Specialists and our Web site design team can make your dreams and ideas a reality. Talk to us about designing your web site so it meets the new Google requirements.


We put your business First, our SEO package is designed to Help your business succeed. We also put our skills 1st and you don’t pay for the SEO package until we reach the goals you agreed to.

(Subject to our terms and conditions)

Why should you use WP Support for your WordPress Website?

We could try to convince you that we are the best WordPress support company in the world, well the best in Europe, well maybe the best in the U.K., well then the best in Surrey, OK, we know we’re the best in Egham.

So how do we convince you to bring your business to WP Support Services for our Support and/or Hosting?

Well, we thought the best way would be to tell you our Mission Statement.

[servicesbox title=”OUR MISSION STATEMENT”]We are committed to creating a company that cares about our clients. We are not just selling webspace. As a company we want to know our clients, assist them where we can and if we can’t help, find someone who can. Even if that means sending you to another company.

We, as a company are committed to supplying the best hosting solution to our clients, not what we want to sell you but finding out what you need and either Supplying it, Creating it or Sourcing it for you.[/servicesbox]

We Love WordPress, that's the truth.

About us - WP Support Services Love WordPressWhere do we start with an about us story?

David has worked with WordPress since Version Duke and built his 1st website using exclusively WordPress with Version Ella. David has never looked back and always uses WordPress as his CMS of choice.

In 2011, after an accident, our Founder (David) was told he was 60% disabled for life and would never return to work, he decided that wasn’t him and if he couldn’t find a job that works around his disability then he would create one and in January 2016 WP SUPPORT SERVICES was born.

We set out with the idea of creating a WordPress support environment that was specifically designed to give Business WordPress sites advantage and develop systems that work with the CMS system not against it.

We are proud to be a part of the world of WordPress as both a CMS system and its incredible achievement of now running 28.6% of all Websites in the world.

WP Support Services.

We run your Website, so You can enjoy running your business.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”OUR TEAM” main_heading_color=”#112d4e” el_class=”shadow3d” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:25px;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:42px;”][/ultimate_heading]
[ult_team team_member_style=”style-3″ img_border_style=”solid” img_border_width=”3″ img_border_color=”#144972″ img_border_radius=”5″ team_img_hover_opacity_style3=”0.3″ title_text_typography=”” team_member_org_color=”#144972″ team_member_desc_color=”#000000″ image=”id^720|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^david|description^null” name=”David” pos_in_org=”Founder”]

I’m in charge.

So they tell me.

[ult_team team_member_style=”style-3″ img_border_style=”solid” img_border_width=”3″ img_border_color=”#144972″ img_border_radius=”5″ team_img_hover_opacity_style3=”0.1″ image=”id^726|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^r|description^null” name=”Tim” pos_in_org=”WP Developer”]I love working with WordPress[/ult_team]
[ult_team team_member_style=”style-3″ img_border_style=”solid” img_border_width=”3″ img_border_color=”#144972″ img_border_radius=”5″ team_img_hover_opacity_style3=”0.1″ name=”Janet” pos_in_org=”WP Developer” image=”id^16651|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^woman-silhouette-1|description^null”]I love working with WordPress[/ult_team]
[ult_team team_member_style=”style-3″ img_border_style=”solid” img_border_width=”3″ img_border_color=”#144972″ img_border_radius=”5″ team_img_hover_opacity_style3=”0.1″ image=”id^726|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^r|description^null” name=”Coming Soon” pos_in_org=”WP Developer”]I love working with WordPress[/ult_team]