WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 322 – WP Engine Acquires StudioPress
In this episode, John James Jacoby and I spend the first half of the show discussing WP Engine’s acquisition of StudioPress. We share reactions from social media, debate on whether it’s a good or bad thing for the WordPress ecosystem, and webhosts being at the top of the food chain.
We also talk about a recent security vulnerability that was publicly disclosed, ProsPress acquires AutomateWoo, and the release of Tide beta 1. Also of note, we identified an issue that causes John’s audio to turn into static. His audio should be fixed in the next episode.
Stories Discussed:
Why WP Engine is Acquiring StudioPress
An Important Announcement About the Future of StudioPress
WP Engine, a managed WordPress platform, raises $250M from Silver Lake
AutomateWoo joins Prospress
AutomateWoo joins Prospress to Further eCommerce Automation on WooCommerce
Tide Beta 1 Released
WPWeekly Meta:
Next Episode: Wednesday, July 4th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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Listen To Episode #322:
In this episode, John James Jacoby and I spend the first half of the show discussing WP Engine’s acquisition of StudioPress. We share reactions from social media, debate on whether it’s a good or bad thing for the WordPress ecosystem, and webhosts being at the top of the food chain. We also talk about a recent security vulnerability that was publicly disclosed, ProsPress acquires AutomateWoo, and the release of Tide beta 1. Also of note, we identified an issue that causes John’s audio to turn into static. His audio should be fixed in the next episode. Stories Discussed: Why WP…
Source: WordPress