WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 297 – WordCamp US 2017 Recap
In this episode, John James Jacoby and I are joined by Morten Rand-Hendriksen. We have an engaging conversation about WordCamp US 2017, Gutenberg, and what it’s going to take for it to succeed. Rand-Hendriksen shared what he thinks are the three conditions that need to be met before Gutenberg can be shipped.
Near the end of the show, we discuss the possible impacts Gutenberg’s timeline may have on the WordPress economy. Jacoby and I round out the show by reviewing the 2017 State of the Word and our picks of the week.
Stories Discussed:
Storify to Close May 16, 2018, WordPress Plugin Discontinued
Gutenberg and the WordPress of Tomorrow by Morten Rand-Hendriksen
The Economic Impact of the Timeline of the Gutenberg Rollout
Picks of the Week:
CopyTrans is a plugin for Windows to view HEIC files. In iOS 11, Apple started using HEIC/HEIF. HEIF stands for High Efficiency Image Format, and, as the name suggests, is a more streamlined way to store image files. It allows digital photographs to be created in smaller files sizes while retaining higher image quality than its JPEG alternative. The image format is currently not supported in Windows 7, 8, and 10.
CopyTrans HEIC for Windows is a simple Windows plugin that allows you to open HEIC files using Windows Photo Viewer. This format is also not compatible with WordPress.
WP Snapshots is a command line interface (CLI) tool by 10Up that empowers engineering teams to quickly share WordPress projects, including files and the database.
WPWeekly Meta:
Next Episode: Wednesday, December 20th 3:00 P.M. Eastern
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