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WPTavern: Wes Bos Launches JavaScript30, a Free 30-Day Vanilla JS Coding Course

By 13/01/2017October 24th, 2017No Comments

WPTavern: Wes Bos Launches JavaScript30, a Free 30-Day Vanilla JS Coding Course

For those who failed to “learn JavaScript deeply” last year, 2017 offers a clean slate for restarting your JavaScript learning goals. Wes Bos, a developer and educator known for his high quality video tutorials, recently launched a free 30-day vanilla JS coding challenge course that provides structure for developing a new habit of daily learning.

JavaScript30 walks users through building 30 things in 30 days with no frameworks, no compilers, no libraries, and no boilerplate. The course is suitable for beginner to intermediate developers and designers who want to get a solid grasp of JavaScript fundamentals. It purposely steers clear of abstractions like frameworks to help students gain a better understanding of browser APIs while working in the DOM without a library.

Bos designed the course to help students gain competence through building things, the advice he gives to anyone wanting to improve their JavaScript skills.

“So, you’ve done a few courses and read a few books but still don’t feel great about your relationship with JavaScript,” Bos said. “How do you get better? Build things. Lots of things. Build 1,000 things. Keep it up and don’t stop.” The course is packed full of quick, interesting, and practical projects.

JavaScript30 includes access to 30 videos, 30 days of starter files, and completed HTML, CSS, and JS Solutions for each day. The videos are accessible and ESL-friendly with closed captions provided.

Bos said he spent more than 300 hours creating the videos as a thank-you to those who have supported his paid courses.

“I see a huge need for these videos and I really think it will help many…become comfortable creating with JavaScript,” he said.

Bos is also the author of the free Learn Redux course, which includes 2.5 hours of videos that help students get started with React.js, Redux, and React Router. Some of his other popular courses include React for Beginners, Learn Redux, and ES6 for Everyone.

Source: WordPress

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