WPTavern: Bocoup Launches Study to Measure Impact of Open Work on Developer Well-Being
photo credit: Lukasz Kowalewski
Bocoup, an open source technology and design consulting company, is recruiting for a new study that aims to “measure the impact of open work on developer well-being and productivity.” The company is partnering with MIT and UCLA to develop an open work email-bot that will interact with organizations that sign up to participate. The study is open to teams that use source control.
“We’re defining ‘open work’ as a project where tasks/work product are/can be shared outside the group immediately responsible for those tasks,” Bocoup Director of Research Boaz Sender said.
Participating organizations will get hooked up with Bocoup’s email-bot, which offers tools for recognizing team members or open source community members for their contributions to projects. Bocoup plans to publish the average results with the goal of educating businesses and policy makers about the value of open source work. Data from organizations participating in the study will be anonymized and untraceable.
With all the new ways of working together on the web (GitHub, Slack, GitLab, etc.) it’s good to see a company prioritizing research on how this impacts developers. The study begins in March and will end in June. If you’re interested to have your organization be a part of it, you can find out more on the signup form and get a better understanding of the time commitment on the FAQ page.
Source: WordPress