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Dev Blog: WordPress 5.0 RC2

Dev Blog: WordPress 5.0 RC2

The second release candidate for WordPress 5.0 is now available!

This is an important milestone, as we near the release of WordPress 5.0. The WordPress 5.0 release date has shifted from the 27th to give more time for the RC to be fully tested. A final release date will be announced soon, based on feedback from this RC. This is a big release and needs your help—if you haven’t tried 5.0 yet, now is the time! 

To test WordPress 5.0, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin or you can download the release candidate here (zip).

For details about what to expect in WordPress 5.0, please see the previous release candidate post.

Changes since RC1

  • Make the Image Link URL field readonly.
  • Merge similar text strings for i18n.
  • Improve block preview styling.
  • Simplify sidebar tabs aria-labels.
  • Fix getSelectedBlockClientId selector.
  • Fix IE11 focus loss after TinyMCE init. Add IE check.
  • Fix Classic block not showing galleries on a grid.
  • Fix visual issues with Button block text wrap.
  • Fix an issue where the block toolbar would cause an image to jump downwards when the wide or full alignments were activated.
  • Fix modals in Edge.
  • Move editor specific styles from style.scss to editor.scss in Cover block.
  • Apply IE11 input fix only when mounting TinyMCE.
  • Avoid rendering AdminNotices compatibility component.
  • Change @package names to WordPress.

How to Help

Do you speak a language other than English? Help us translate WordPress into more than 100 languages! 

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. We’d love to hear from you! If you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac, where you can also find a list of known bugs.

RC bittersweet.
We welcome in Gutenberg,
Vale Gutenbeard.

The second release candidate for WordPress 5.0 is now available! This is an important milestone, as we near the release of WordPress 5.0. The WordPress 5.0 release date has shifted from the 27th to give more time for the RC to be fully tested. A final release date will be announced soon, based on feedback from this RC. This is a big release and needs your help—if you haven’t tried 5.0 yet, now is the time!  To test WordPress 5.0, you can use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin or you can download the release candidate here (zip). For details about what to expect in WordPress 5.0, please…

Source: WordPress